Lisa Gilmurray, a retired Detective Lieutenant, brings over two decades of law enforcement experience and expertise in self-defense to EPOC Fitness. Her career began in 1997 at the New Jersey State Police Academy, followed by positions as a police officer and detective in various units, including the Sex Crimes and Child Abuse Unit and the Fugitive Unit. Lisa was later assigned to the Somerset County Police Academy, where she supervised recruit training and led physical fitness and self-defense programs, shaping the next generation of officers with her knowledge and dedication.
Throughout her career, Lisa has earned a black belt in mixed martial arts—a blend of karate, aikido, and jujitsu—and holds a purple belt in Brazilian jujitsu. Her deep commitment to empowerment and resilience is rooted in her personal experience as the survivor of an armed assault, which inspired her life’s mission to teach others the skills needed to protect themselves.
At EPOC Fitness, Lisa combines her extensive experience in physical fitness, tactical expertise, and mental resilience to empower individuals through personalized training and self-defense seminars. Since 2010, she has been helping clients achieve their fitness goals through one-on-one and small group training, focusing on building strength, endurance, and overall wellness. Her self-defense and empowerment sessions emphasize situational awareness, threat assessment, and practical techniques tailored to real-world scenarios. With certifications in personal training, nutrition guidance, Gracie Survival Tactics, and stress reduction, Lisa ensures that every session—whether fitness-focused or self-defense-driven—enhances both physical and mental preparedness.
Lisa holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Marist College, a Certificate in Criminal Justice from Seton Hall University, and a Master of Administrative Science from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Her accomplishments extend beyond self-defense; she has competed in various endurance events, marathons, triathlons, and figure competitions, earning a pro card in the Masters Figure category.
Lisa's philosophy is simple: safety starts with self-awareness, preparedness, and empowerment. She is passionate about equipping individuals of all ages with the tools to stay safe and confident in any situation. At EPOC Fitness, her goal is to transform instincts into action, helping clients develop the mindset and skills to navigate life with confidence and strength.
Lisa Gilmurray